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Senior Woman


What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become thin, brittle, and weak. These changes can increase the risk of fractures. Fractures can lead to disability. Fractures caused by osteoporosis have been linked to an increased risk of death.


What are some risk factors for osteoporosis?

The following factors cause or contribute to osteoporosis and fractures:

  • Certain medications

  • Diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and lupus

  • Low calcium intake

  • Vitamin D insufficiency

  • Excess vitamin A

  • High caffeine intake

  • High salt intake

  • Aluminum (in antacids)

  • Alcohol (three or more drinks per day)

  • Not getting enough physical activity or being immobile

  • Smoking (including secondhand smoke)

  • Falling

  • Being thin


Who should have a bone mineral density test?

All women aged 65 years or older should have a BMD test. Women who are younger than 65 years and past menopause should have a BMD test if they have had a bone fracture because of fragile bones or have other risk factors for osteoporosis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, smoking, alcoholism, a history of hip fracture in a parent, or a bodyweight less than 127 pounds.


How is a DEXA scan done?

During a DEXA scan, you lie down for 3–10 minutes while a machine scans your body. With this test, you are exposed to a small amount of radiation—less than the amount in a normal chest X-ray.


Talk to Dr. Gueye about your bone health today. 



Gynecology and Medical Spa in Columbia, MD 
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